Behind the Bar – a day in the life of a professional Mambo mixologist

Mixologist life behind the bar is very different to life in front of it.

No two events are the same, there are many variables that mixologist teams have to navigate whilst behind the bar. This is why so much importance is placed on what happens in the run up to your event.

If you’ve taken us up on our ‘Pour Decisions‘ invite you may have met your mixologist before your event. The chance to come and meet us in the flesh and sample our handcrafted cocktails whilst you curate your menu is an excellent way to spend an hour or so. And we recommend everyone takes advantage if they’re able to.

In the countdown to your event you’ll have spent plenty of time talking to the admin team. They’ll have asked questions that may not feel relevant to your event but the more information the mixologist has in advance the better prepared they are.

2 weeks before your event the mixologist and the admin team will sit and talk in depth about the upcoming events. This is the point the mixologist can ask any questions they may have to ensure they fully understand the brief.

The week of the event is when the physical work starts – event prep! It’s time to prepare the equipment. There’s glasses to polish, shopping lists to work through, bars to get ready. Menus are printed and framed. Vans loaded and delivery times set. The plan is in motion.

Depending on the size of your event, delivery and set up day may be in advance. This gives the team enough time to set up the bar and equipment (especially if you’ve hired fridges which need to sit before being turned on). Depending on site security the stock may also be left at this point if appropriate.

On the day

The team will arrive at a pre arranged time and carry out the final prep work ahead of the bar opening. Fruit for garnishes will be sliced, twisted and teased. Ice will be on hand to chill those drinks. If your guests are to be greeted with arrival drinks these will be freshly prepared at this point too. Then the bar opens.

For the duration of your event the mixologists will muddle and mix, shake and smile their way through the service. Our high energy professionals all come from hospitality backgrounds and are experts are making your guests feel welcome whilst teasing their taste buds with our hand crafted cocktails. Whatever the occasion and whoever the guests you can be confident they’re in the best hands at the bar.

Once the event is finished you may think our mixologists job is done.  Clean up is calling though! Glasses need to be collected, bars and equipment need wiping down and reloading into the van. Only once every trace of Mambo has been removed (unless collection has been arranged for an alternative time) can the team call it a night.

The equipment is taken back to HQ and cleaned, ready for the cycle to start again.

Got an event that needs a bar? Contact us today to start the process


life of mixologist
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