Micro Mambo Parties

Every time you crack open a can of a supermarket pre mixed cocktail a mixologist cries. Stop it – you deserve better! Supermarkets will be fine at this end of this weird year, your favourite hospitality brands? They might not be.

Carol and Dave’s Ruby wedding anniversary, your cousins engagement party. Uncle John’s 90th birthday. School leaving dos, graduations, weddings. Baby showers, christenings, work events. New jobs/old jobs, even funerals. Saying Hi, congratulations or Goodbye – all social moments that make up the rich tapestries of our lives. All moments that people have taken the decision to pause for this year.

We are social creatures and we (currently!) still can socialise, its just different to how it used to look and no one knows how long it might look like this for. Don’t pause life forever, Mambo can still bring their five star service with new adaptations.

We currently offer a variety of packages to suit, from online masterclasses perfect for keeping the team morale up and people smiling to a party delivered to your doorstep from £295 for 50 cocktails. That’s £6 a drink, for a proper cocktail. Step away from those pre mixed cocktail cans please!!If you don’t want to be a mixologist for the night, thats fine. We’ll do the pre mixed options. It’s less than you’d spend in a bar and if you really want to you can make your living room one way and use distance markers for the toilet queue.

We all have the ability to socialise safely and follow the rules, with our party to your doorstep package you have everything you need to socialise with 5 friends, all sanitised before it’s dropped off to you and cleaned thoroughly after it’s collected. We can still celebrate those special occasions as they arise, we don’t always have to wait until they’re a memory.

If you don’t want to socialise in person right now that’s ok too, the beauty of our internet packages means you can see people regardless of where they are in the country and their towns current lockdown situation.

Remember, we don’t need anymore upset mixologists – step away from the pre mixed supermarket cocktails!

online cocktail class zoom
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