
Is Cachaça just rum from Brazil?

Cachaça (kah-SHAH-sa) is Brazil’s most popular spirit. It is one of the largest selling spirits in the world, although the majority of it is consumed in Brazil. It was previously known as ‘Brazilian Rum’ but has been recognized as a spirit in it’s own right since 2013. This comes with strict production rules which must be followed.

What are the differences?

Cachaça was most likely produced before rum, with the Portugese moving production from Madeira to Brazil in the 16th Century. Rum can be created anywhere and is made from the by products of sugar cane production (usually molasses). Cachaça can only be produced in Brazil using fresh sugar cane juice.

How is it classified?

Cachaça is typically distilled once – with premium brands often using copper stills. It is classified by colour which relates to how it is stored post distillation.

Branca (white)/ Prata (silver) is unaged, or rested in stainless steel vats for less than a year. Wood which doesn’t affect the colour can also be used.

Amarela (yellow)/ Ouro (gold) or Envelhecida (aged). To be categorised as one of these at least 50% of the bottle contents must have spent a minimum of a year in a barrel. Premium cachaças must be stored in kegs for at least a year and extra premium varieties are rested for at least 3 years.

How is it stored?

Today Cachaça is typically stored in oak barrels, historically it was aged in woods native to Brazil, which imported a unique flavour of the region into the drink. Ethically this leaves a dilemma – raising awareness of the destruction of the rainforest is important but tree varieties which are threatened cannot be felled to create barrels.

How can we enjoy it?

Premium brands are perfect for sipping and enjoying on the rocks – taking time to appreciate the light, grassy notes whilst Branca/Prata lend themselves to Caipirinha’s (the national cocktail made with Cachaça, lime & sugar) and Batidas (combining it with fruit and often coconut milk).

The easiest way to enjoy it is to book a Mambo bar and let us figure out the serves! contact us to start the process today!

Cachaça caipirinha
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